Danger in raw fish: Doctors warn of sushi worm

Delicious, low-fat and natural: Not for nothing is Sushi a trend. The relics are prepared with avocado, seafood or raw fish, then dipped in soy sauce and eaten with a bite. If you want, you can even omit the rice and order raw fish in the restaurant. "Sashimi" is the name of this food.

The raw fishpits are however to be enjoyed with caution, now shows the case of a 32-year-old man from Portugal. He had sipped sushi and some time later developed severe complaints: his stomach ached, he had to surrender and fevered. The symptoms lasted one week before doctors made an endoscopy and discovered the cause of his illness. In the mucous membrane of the digestive system, the larvae of a so-called herringworm (anisakis simplex) had found themselves, causing inflammation of the surrounding mucous membrane, causing the symptoms.

Larvae in the raw fish - a well-known problem

According to the physician to Joana Carmo, the previously consumed sushi was guilty of parasite infestation. They report on the case in the "BMJ Case Reports".

This problem is not new: the larvae of the herringworm can occur in sea fish such as herring and mackerel. If a person "contaminated raw or not swept fish or seafood" the parasites can pass on humans, write the researchers. Infections with the larvae occur mainly in Japan, where a lot of raw fish is on the menu. However, infections with the parasites have also occurred repeatedly in western countries, according to the BMJ. The reason for this is probably the growing appetite of people for raw fish in the form of sushi.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has also pointed out the potential risk of raw sushi fish for years. The experts emphasize, however, that illness cases in Germany are only "rare". How to prevent possible contamination?

Prevent parasites - this is how it works
In general, marine fish and crabs should be sufficiently heated or smoked before consumption. Strong heat of over 60 degrees Celsius and cold below -20 degrees Celsius can not kill the larvae well - they die. Animals caught at sea are usually deep-frozen before they are processed further. There is no danger of this fish.

The larva is removed with an instrument
If you are unsure, you can ask the restaurant how the fish was processed. For self-captured animals: freeze for a few days at a temperature of around -20 degrees Celsius, so that possible larvae of the Garaus be made.

For the 32-year-old man, the parasite infestation ended in a glimpse. His doctors were able to remove the larva with an instrument. The complaints improved instantly.
Jeshadul H. Tanim

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